Жду с нетерпением новый трудных тем и их раз'яснений. У вас это получается просто и на позитиве.

Dear and a cute teacher Anastasia! I`m happy to congratulate you with your Birthday! You`re a very talented and unique person and also a great teacher.I`m very happy to learn English in our team English-Dragon. Actually, knowledge of any language discloses the hidden opportunities and talents of each person. This is broadens the mind and unites people. English-Dragon school is unique in its approach to English language teaching. The school gives hope and helps to learn to speak English to anyone who is trained by the English-Dragon team. Thank you for your talented work! I happy to learn from you. I wish the further growth and prosperity of our unique school. You are the best!

I'm a student the school «Dragon English» and now I`m on the lesson twenty-five.
It`s the second time I`ve done this lesson of tenses intensive Free.
It`s really useful and very well for repetition the famous material.
Всем рекомендую поступить на основной цикл курса.Анастасия даже ленивого научит английскому. Она учитель от бога. НЕ теряйте время, присоединяйтесь к нашему дружному коллективу обучающихся и очень скоро будете приятно удивлены собственным успехам.